Interface Dialog


In RecurDyn/RFlex Interface dialog box, select ANSYS.


Figure 1  ANSYS Interface dialog box


ANSYS Interface needs the following four files and these file and output files name automatically set same as emat file name.



    Result file (*.rst): Contains model information such as node, element, property and the result of CMS or Modal analysis.

    Material file (*.mp): Contains material information such as Young’s modulus, shear modulus and Poisson’s ratio.

    Element Matrices file (*.emat): Contains element matrices information such as element stiffness and mass matrices

    CM File (*.cm): Contains interface node information.


     Units: Changes those units that used in the FE program. This option is used in the current model.

     Output File Name

    RecurDyn/Flex Input File Name: Defines a generated file name with the extension *.rfi.