

This chapter presents the various aspects of installing and updating the RecurDyn Linux solver.


System Requirements

The RecurDyn Linux solver supports computers with Intel or AMD processors that are running on the SUSE 64-Bit Enterprise Linux.

You must be logged in as a super-user in order to install or update the RecurDyn Linux Solver into the recommended top-level directories. However, this documentation can also provide instructions for a local install and usage in your local directories for testing or evaluation purposes that do not require super-user privileges.


Supported Linux Versions

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 4.8 kernel 2.6.9-89

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 5.8 kernel 2.6.18-308

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 6.3 kernel 2.6.32-279

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Client 7.3 kernel 3.10.0-514

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7.3 kernel 3.10.0-514

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Client 7.4 kernel 3.100-693

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7.4 kernel 3.100-693

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Client 7.5 kernel 3.100-862

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7.5 kernel 3.100-862

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP1 kernel

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP2 kernel 3.0.13-0.27

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3 kernel 4.4.73-5



RecurDyn supports two rpm files since V9R4. To simulate KISSsoft Bearing models, you have to use a rpm named KISSsoftBearing. But this rpm must be installed on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.3 version or higher.