Input File Format (ANSYS & NASTRAN)


The FFlex body of RecurDyn at the minimum requires the definition of nodes and element and their connections. If the property and material data do not exist, RecurDyn/FFlex automatically generates the default properties and materials based on the connection information


How to make an input file

The NASTRAN input is a file that contains FE information to analyze the system. RecurDyn extracts the necessary information from this file.

The ANSYS input file is an exported file from ANSYS using the CDWRITE command and the input file has an extension ‘cdb’.

     CDWRITE Command Form (CDWRITE, Option, Fname, Ext, --, Fnamei, Exti, Fmat )

    Option: Selects the data to write (ALL, COMB, DB, SOLID….).

    Fname: File name and directory path. An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory.

    Ext: File name extension. If Fname is blank, the extension defaults to ‘*.cdb’.

    --: Unused field

    Fnamei: The name of IGES file which contains parts or assemblies is supported by the mechanical application and its directory path.

    Exti: File name extension. The extension defaults to IGES.

    Fmat: Format of the output file (It defaults to BLOCKED)

BLOCKED: The Output is read faster more in this format.




     RecurDyn/FFlex recommends the user does not use additional command parameters.

     When you use the CDWRITE command with additional command parameters, “Fmat” of additional command parameters must be “BLOCKED” to import the *.cdb file.

     For more information about the CDWRITE command, refer to the ANSYS manual.