Initial Clearance Check


Here, user can check clearance in consideration of profile information in initial state. User can check that profile information set correctly or not.


Figure 1  Clearance Check dialog box


    Piston/Cylinder Profile: On/Off check option, if checked, the profile is taken into account in the calculation of the initial clearance.

    Relative Piston Position: it means the offset of action marker from base marker in axial direction. RD solver computes initial clearance for the output point which is defined relative piston position, No. of Angle and No. of height. Based on this relative piston position, the piston is positioned relative to the cylinder in the axial direction.

    No. of Angle: Define number of output point in circumferential direction.

    No. of Height: Define number of output point in axial direction. Total output is equal to multiplying No. of Angle with No. of Height. The output points are equally spaced in the circumferential and axial directions.

    Export File: Set file path and name of *.csv file which includes initial clearance result for the defined output points.

    Export: Click Export button. *.csv file including initial clearance information for the output points is generated in the file path you define.

    Plot: You can also check the initial clearance information in 3D plot.


Figure 2  *.csv file including initial clearance


Figure 3  Position and negative side of piston skirt based on EHD base marker.



The force result (FM,FX,FY,FZ,TM,TX,TY,TZ ) in Recurdyn plot file is only evaluated for the “action body(Piston)”. They are evaluated w.r.t the “Base Marker of EHD”. “Hydrodynamicforce” indicates the force resulting from hydrodynamic pressure and “AsperityContactForce” indicates the force resulting from asperity contact. “POSITIVE_X” means the piston side of positive x direction of action marker and “NEGATIVE_X” means the piston side of negative x direction of action marker. Through this distinction, user can distinguish EHD force applied to each side of piston skirt. Finally, plot data includes maximum pressure which means largest value of pressure for all mesh grids. ‘Hydro+asperity’ indicates sum of hydrodynamic pressure and asperity pressure.