Imprint Point


RecurDyn/Mesher supports to create points on the geometric entity by this function. So, you can get nodes on the points.


     This function has an affect which is like planting the seed of surface in the geometry. In other words, the imprinting point is applied to the surface only. So, if the point is on the surface of body, the node is created in the same position. But, if the point is not on the surface of body, the node is created in the closest position to the point and body.


Figure 1  Imprint Point icon of the Mesher group in the Mesher tab



Figure 2  Imprint Point dialog box


     Target Geometry: Select the geometry to apply the imprint of points.

     Add: Adds the point list.

     Delete: Delete the point list.

     Clear: Removes the entire point list.

     Import: Imports the point list.

     Export: Exports the point list.

     Node: Get the node position of the other FFlex bodies.


Figure 3  Imprint Node dialog box


    Sel.: Check the box to get the node position of the FFlex body.

    Distance Tolerance: When calculating, the nodes within this tolerance are included.

    Calculate: Calculate the distance between the nodes of the FFlex and the target geometry to mesh. The calculated positions are highlighted in the working window.


     Use Distance Tolerance: Use specific tolerance for imprinting. If this option is unchecked, all selected points can be used while meshing.