How to install Particle Solver in RecurDyn


Requirements for a particle solver to co-simulate with RecurDyn

To install the particle solver in RecurDyn, the 2 files are needed.

     XML Configuration File: The XML configuration file provides RecurDyn with the information required for RecurDyn to use the particle solver. RecurDyn loads the XML configuration file when RecurDyn starts. The XML configuration file provides RecurDyn with the information it needs to allow it to display the particle solver in the RecurDyn GUI and to find the SPI Coupling DLL file.

     SPI Coupling DLL File: The SPI coupling DLL file acts as a communication channel between RecurDyn and the particle solver. RecurDyn loads the DLL file when a co-simulation starts. The SPI coupling DLL file implements the RecurDyn SPI. RecurDyn calls the RecurDyn SPI API functions in the DLL to communicate with the particle solver and control the co-simulation. The SPI coupling DLL can communicate with the particle solver using any method that the particle solver developer wants.


Particle solver installation using a XML Configuration File

For a particle solver to co-simulate with RecurDyn, RecurDyn requires that an XML configuration file to be placed in the folder:


If the user sets the XML configuration file, the ribbon menu of Embedded SPI is displayed like as Figure 1.


Figure 1  Ribbon Menu of Embedded SPI


     The XML configuration file must contain the correct data for the particle solver.

     The XML configuration file tells RecurDyn the SPI options that the particle solver supports and the name and location of the communicator DLL for the particle solver.

     RecurDyn can recognize and use 1 or 2 embedded particle solvers simultaneously. If more than 2 embedded particle solvers have installed the required files to enable co-simulation, then RecurDyn will choose 2 of them randomly from the installed embedded particle solvers.