Guide Converter


This tool is very useful for the CAD users. Guides for R2R2D can be generated from the line, arc, and circle geometries. It can create guides from all lines, arcs and circles included in the specified bodies at once.


Figure 1  Convert icon of the Guide group in the R2R2D tab


Step to Use Guide Converter

1.  Click the Convert icon of the Guide group in the R2R2D tab.

2.  Select bodies on the Working Window.

3.  Click Finish Operation on right-click menu.

4.  Apply the Guide Converter dialog with clicking OK.


Figure 2  Guide Converter dialog box



    No: Is the number of selected bodies.

    Bodies: Is the names of selected bodies.


     Add: Selects bodies to add for converting.

     Delete/Delete All: Removes selected bodies at the list.

    Converted Color: If this option is checked, the color of converted guides is set to the user-defined color.


Useful Tip for User

The user can select or cancel the selected body with the Ctrl key before clicking Finish Operation on right-click menu.

     If you click the desired body with the Ctrl key, you can select it

     If you want to cancel the selected body, click it with the Ctrl key.