Formulation of EDT


Direct Drive Type

The Direct Drive Type consists of a driven body and an EMI body. They are connected with the timing coupler. The formulation of timing coupler is as follows.


     Timing Coupler(Timing Coupler has only Torque value)




* Timing Coupler includes only Torque

Figure 1  Torque Value of EDT of Direct drive type




    Timing Coupler

The ground inertial reference frame is the frame A.

The base marker (=reference marker) between an Eblock (base) and an EDT driven body (action) is the frame A.

The action marker between an Eblock (base) and an EDT driven body (action) is the frame B.

The base marker (= reference marker between the ground (base) and EDT EMI (action) is the frame A.

The action marker between the ground (base) and an EDT EMI (action) is the frame C.


Gear Drive Type

The Gear Drive Type consists of a drive body (gear), driven body (gear) and an EMI body. A drive and a driven body are connected with a screw coupler. And the driven and EMI body are connected with the timing coupler. The formulation of screw coupler and timing coupler is as follows.


     Screw Coupler (A screw coupler has the torque and reaction force value.)




    Reaction force (Fx, Fy)

* Fx & Fy are reaction force acting on the Drive / Driven body

Figure 2  Torque & Reaction Force Value between a Drive gear & a Driven gear[Gear drive type]


     Timing Coupler (Timing Coupler has only Torque value)



* Timing Coupler includes only Torque

Figure 3  Torque Value of EDT of Gear drive type





    Timing Coupler (Drive: EDT Driven body, Driven: EDT EMI body )

The base marker (=reference marker) between an Eblock (base) and an EDT Driven Body (action) is the frame A

The action marker between an Eblock (base) and an EDT Driven body (action) is the frame C

The base marker (=reference marker) between a Ground (base) and an EDT EMI (action) is the frame A

The action marker between a Ground (base) and an EDT EMI (action) is the frame D


    Screw Coupler (Drive: EDT Drive body, Driven: EDT EMI body)

The base marker between an Eblock (base) and an EDT Drive body (action) is the frame A

The action marker between an Eblock (base) and an EDT Drive body (action) is the frame B

The base marker between an Eblock (base) and an EDT Driven body (action) is the frame A

The Action marker between an Eblock (base) and an EDT Driven body (action) is the frame C

The reference marker is the frame B


Belt Drive Type

The belt drive type consists of a drive body (pulley), a driven body (pulley) and an EMI body. A drive and a driven body are connected with a screw coupler. And the driven and EMI body are connected with a timing coupler. The formulation of screw coupler and timing coupler is as follows.


     Screw Coupler (A screw coupler has the torque and reaction force value.)




    Reaction force (Fx, Fy)

Figure 4  Torque & Reaction Force Value between a Drive Pulley & a Driven Pulley [Belt drive type]


     Timing Coupler (A timing coupler has the only torque value)



*Timing Coupler includes only Torque

Figure 5  Torque Value of EDT of Belt drive type





    Timing Coupler (Drive: EDT Driven body, Driven : EDT EMI body )

The base marker (= reference marker) between an Eblock (base) and an EDT driven body (action) is the frame A

The action marker between an Eblock (base) and an EDT Driven body (action) is the frame C

The base marker (= reference marker) between a Ground (base) and an EDT EMI (action) is the frame A

The action marker between a ground (base) and an EDT EMI (action) is the frame D


    Screw Coupler (Drive: EDT Drive body, Driven: EDT EMI body)

The base marker between an Eblock (base) and an EDT Drive body (action) is the frame A

The action marker between an Eblock (base) and an EDT drive body (action) is the frame B

The base marker between an Eblock (base) and EDT driven body (action) is the frame A

The action marker between an Eblock (base) and an EDT driven body (action) is the frame C

The reference marker is the frame B