FFlex Contact


The output of flexible contact forces in RecurDyn/FFlex is a contact force generalized on the specified marker. The contact force is a force and torque generalized on the user-defined marker. The default marker is the inertia reference frame. If the base or action body of a contact is a rigid body, the reference marker for output is automatically defined as the center marker of the body.

As shown in Figure 1, the position vector of img122.gif  and img123.gif  are the displacement vectors from the positions of the specified reference frame to the actual contact point to plot contact forces applied on the action and base bodies. The contact force vectors of  img124.gif and img125.gif  are the contact normal force and the friction force, respectively.


Figure 1  Definition of contact plot data


     FM_Contact_Action: The magnitude of the translational force generalized at the specified marker due to the contact force acting on the contact point of action body.

     FX_Contact_Action, FY_Contact_Action, FZ_Contact_Action: The x, y and z components of the translational force generalized at the specified marker due to the contact force acting on the contact point of action body.



     TM_ Contact_Action: The magnitude of the torque generalized at the specified marker due to the contact force acting on the contact point of action body.

     TX_Contact_Action, TY_Contact_Action, TZ_Contact_Action: The x, y and z components of the torque generalized at the specified marker due to the contact force acting on the contact point of action body.



where, img128.gif  is the orientation matrix of the specified reference frame to output a contact force applied on the action body.

     FM_Contact_Base: The magnitude of the translational force generalized at the specified marker due to the contact force acting on the contact point of base body.

     FX_Contact_Base, FY_Contact_Base, FZ_Contact_Base: The x, y and z components of the translational force generalized at the specified marker due to the contact force acting on the contact point of base body.



     TM_Contact_Base: The magnitude of the torque generalized at the specified marker due to the contact force acting on the contact point of base body.

     TX_Contact_Base, TY_Contact_Base, TZ_Contact_Base: The x, y and z components of the torque generalized at the specified marker due to the contact force acting on the contact point of base body.



where, img131.gif  is the orientation matrix of reference frame specified to output a contact force applied to the base body.