FEInfo. Page


In the FEInfo page, the following FE (Finite element) information is displayed.


Figure 1  Properties of RFlexBody dialog box [FEInfo.]


     No. of Nodes: Show the number of node.

     No. of Elements: Show the number of element. The RFI generated from NX/Nastran does not have this information. It is possible to include this information using RFI Optimizer. To see more information, RFI Optimizer.

     No. of Properties: Show the number of property. The RFI generated from NX/Nastran does not have this information. It is possible to include this information using RFI Optimizer. To see more information, RFI Optimizer.

     No. of Material: Show the number of material. The RFI generated from NX/Nastran does not have this information. It is possible to include this information using RFI Optimizer. To see more information, RFI Optimizer.

     No. of Mode: Show the number of total mode.

     No. of Interface Nodes: Show the number of interface node.

     Stiffness Matrix: Show the existence of Stiffness matrix as Include/Not Include.

     Stress Shape: Show the existence of Stress shape matrix as Include/Not Include.

     Strain Shape: Show the existence of Strain shape matrix as Include/Not Include.

     Stress shape type for Shell: Show the Stress shape type for shell elements as Top/Bottom/Middle/Unknown.

    Top/Bottom/Middle: Are the stress shape type for shell elements.

    Unknown: If the rfi file is generated at the previous version or is solid elements, RecurDyn cannot know the type. So, the "Unknown" is displayed.

     Strain shape type for Shell: Show the Strain shape type for shell elements as Top/Bottom/Middle/Unknown.

    Top/Bottom/Middle: Are the strain shape type for shell elements.

    Unknown: If the rfi file is generated at the previous version or is solid elements, RecurDyn cannot know the type. So, the "Unknown" is displayed.

     No. of Node Set: Show the number of node set.

     No. of Element Set: Show the number of element set.

     No. of Patch Set: Show the number of patch set.

     Interface Unit: Show the unit of RFlex body.

    Mass: mass unit

    Length: length unit

    Time: time unit