FDR Selection


     Selecting with the mouse operation in the working window.

①  On Flexible Toolbar, click Select Element.

Figure 1  Flexible Toolbar


②  The FDR element will be highlighted when the mouse is passed over a FDR element. And then, click the left mouse button to select the FDR element.

Figure 2  FDR Selection by clicking

③  Drag your mouse in the area which is included in the master node to select the FDR element.

Figure 3  FDR selection by dragging


     Selecting in the Database window

①  If you click the component which is included in the FDR element in Element Component Tree, all of FDR elements will be selected.

②  If you click the component which is included in the FDR element in Property Component Tree, all of FDR elements which are related to the specific FDR Property will be selected.