Export Data


The user can export plot data from the Plot Database to the Export Data dialog box using Drag & Drop. If the user wants to associate an exported data with the simulation time, the user should export the TIME component.


Figure 1  Export Data dialog box


The user can also export data in the Plot Database. Click the right mouse button and several options appear. Choose Export Data on right-click menu.



     Export List: Displays the list of added plot data

    Note: If the legend name contains the character '/', the user cannot export it. Please change the legend name.

     Index: When the user exports multiple rplt files, Index identifies them. The value is zero-based.


Figure 2  Index in database window


     Change Index: Changes the index number of selected components at Export List.

     Remove: Deletes the components from Export List.

     Export List: Exports the export list as a file.


Figure 3  Format of the exported list


     Import List: Imports the previously saved export list file.

     Export data with name: If this option is checked, writes the name of components to the file.


Figure 4  Export data with name


     Export data with scientific notation (ex, 1.23e+001): If this option is checked, writes numbers to the file as the scientific notation.


Figure 5  Export data with scientific notation


     Significant digits for export: The user can change significant digits. The default value is 8.


Figure 6  Change significant digits as 15


     Export Data: Click this button after setting the above option.