

You can export the wall geometry to files that can be imported by the particle solver. The walls that are created in the previous step must be exported. After they are exported, the particle solver for it was created can load them to create walls in the particle model. Exporting the walls creates a set of wall geometry files and a master wall file. There is one wall geometry file for each wall for this particle solver. The master file contains the data that the particle solver will need to identify the wall geometry files and import them.


Figure 1  Export icon of Particle Solver group in the External SPI tab


Note: The reference frame of Wall created in V9R1 and V9R2 version is different from the reference frame of Wall created in later version. The difference in reference frame affects the generation of exported *.wall files and geometry files (*.obj, *.stl). So, if the user deletes the wall created by V9R2 and recreate wall from V9R3, the user has to export again.