Example for Differential Equation


Decription for example model


The user can model differential equations for model such as spring system using DE.

Figure 1  Example model


The differential equation for the above example model is as follows:


The model is defined as following equation.


And transform 2nd order differential equation to 1st order one.


And modify to general matric form.


RecurDyn model for varification


Compare the two results by creating a model using differential equations and a verification model using dynamics.


Figure 2  Differential equation model and verification model using dynamics


Differential equation_1 (Using explicit form)


The user can define a differential equation in an explicit form.


The equation using explicit form is following:


Set the PV, VE, DE and Expression like as following:


Figure 3  Set PV


Figure 4  Set VE


Figure 5  Set DE


Figure 6  Set Expression



Differential equation_2 (Using implicit form)


The user can define a differential equation in an implicit form.


The equation using implicit form is following:



Set the PV, VE, DE and Expression like as following:


Figure 7  Set PV


Figure 8  Set VE


Figure 9  Set DE


Figure 10  Set Expression


Results of differential equation


Figure 8  Comparison of differential equation results and dynamic analysis results