Example for Defining Moving Ground


The user can create a Track model with Road Shell Geometry using importing RecurDyn Road file (*.rdf). There are following two steps.


1.  Import a RecurDyn Road file

The user can import a RecurDyn Road File in the Body edit mode or the Ground mode.


Figure 1  General icon and Ground icon of the Body group in the Professional tab


①  Click the General icon or Ground icon of the Body group of Professional tab.

②  Click the System menu, and then click Import.

③  Change Files of type as RecurDyn Road Files(*.rdf).

④  Select a file and click Open.

⑤  Road Shell Entity appears under Shells in the Database window as shown in the below figure:


Figure 2  Database window


2.  Create track to surface contact

①  Click the Track to Surface icon of the Contact group in the Track(HM) tab.


Figure 1  Track to Surface icon of the Contact group in the Track(LM) tab


②  Select the modeling option to TrackAssembly, Surface (MultiSurface) or TrackAssembly, Shell (MultiShell).


Figure 2  Modeling options


  Click the Track Assembly and then click the surface (shell) geometry created.


Figure 3  Creation Track to Surface contact