

We can test the filter with the Colink model shown in the below figure The top Sine block is configured to a frequency of 0.5rad/sec and an amplitude of 1. The lower Sine block is configured to a frequency of 10rad/sec and amplitude of 0.1 and represents the unwanted high-frequency noise. The Discrete Transfer Func block field Numerator contains the value (0.0048, 0.0193, 0.0289, 0.0193, 0.0048) and Denominator contains (1.0000, -2.3695, 2.31240, -1.0547, 0.1874). Sample time for the Sine blocks and Discrete Transfer Func block contains 0.1. The model is configured to use the discrete solver, because there are no continuous states. End time is set to 20. The Mux block creates a vector signal containing the unfiltered input and the filtered output of the Discrete Transfer Func block.


Figure 1  colink model


Figure 2  A result from scope