Code |
Error Message |
Description |
C0001 |
The simulation terminated because the current step size is too small (%-16e). |
C0002 |
Linear solver factorization failed. |
C0003 |
Acceleration analysis failed to converge. |
C0004 |
FFlex bodies cannot be used in Eigenvalue analysis. |
C0005 |
Eigenvalue analysis failed because the number of eigenvalues is zero. |
C0012 |
FRA can only be used once during a simulation. |
C0013 |
Memory could not be allocated. |
C0017 |
The input must be defined. |
C0018 |
The output must be defined. |
C0019 |
Unable to compute the eigenvector. |
C0020 |
FRA failed because the total number of system modes is zero. |
C0021 |
Eigenvalue analysis failed. |
C0022 |
Eigenvalue analysis failed to converge. Please decrease the amplitude factor. |
C0023 |
Acceleration analysis failed to converge in Static analysis. |
C0024 |
The index (%d) of a dependent body must not be greater than the array size (%d). |
C0026 |
The total size (%d) of data must be less than the array size (%d). |
C0027 |
Convergence failed in the position analysis. |
C0028 |
Entity (%d) is not valid. |
C0029 |
The redundant constraint check failed in velocity analysis because the number of constraint equations (%d) is greater than the number of system DOFs (%d) for the velocity analysis. |
C0044 |
Static analysis is not available for Belt2D. |
C0047 |
Convergence failed in Static analysis. |
C0051 |
Convergence failed in Dynamic analysis. Please decrease a constant time stepsize. |
C0052 |
The simulation terminated because the current step size is too small (%-16e). Please decrease the Jacobian evaluation value. |
C0053 |
Unable to set the factorization tolerance in the sparse linear solver. |
C0054 |
Unable to set the message flag in the sparse linear solver. |
C0056 |
Unable to set "In/Out Core" option in the sparse linear solver. |
C0057 |
Unable to set the number of threads in the sparse linear solver. |
C0058 |
Unable to set the rigid connection data in the sparse linear solver. |
C0059 |
LU factorization in the sparse linear solver failed. |
C0060 |
The %dth value in the rplt file is not valid. |
C0062 |
The maximum number of bodies in the student version is limited to 20. |
C0063 |
The contact entity is not available in the student version. |
C0064 |
The number of valid SMP licenses (%d) must be greater than or equal to the requested number of cores (%d). |
C0065 |
MEHD is only available in the Windows version of RecurDyn. |
C0066 |
Eigenvalue analysis failed because the number of degrees of freedom of the system is zero. |
C0067 |
Unable to read the model name in the z_z file because the file could not be opened. |
C0068 |
Unable to read a flag in the z_z file because the file could not be opened. |
C0069 |
The file could not be opened. |
C0071 |
The simulation command must be defined. |
C0073 |
The input and output must be defined. |
C0074 |
The simulation command (%s) is not valid. |
C0075 |
The integrator command (%s) is not valid. |
C0076 |
Unable to read commands. |
C0077 |
The entity ID (%d) is not valid. |
C0079 |
Undefined force type is used. Activate or deactivate command cannot be applied. |
C0080 |
The hybrid Integrator is not available in Belt2D. |
C0081 |
FNE license cannot be used with Standalone solver. |
C0082 |
The type (%d) is not valid because it must be between 1 and 7. |
C0083 |
The flag (%d) is not valid because it must be 0 or 1. |
C0084 |
The component type (%d) is not valid because it must be between 1 and 8. |
C0085 |
The type (%d) is not valid because it must be between 1 and 13. |
C0086 |
The type (%d) is not valid because it must be between 1 and 6. |
C0087 |
The type (%d) is not valid because it must be between 1 and 3. |
C0088 |
Unable to find the program Cosin. Please check the installation of the Cosin software. |
C0089 |
The platform of FTire is wrong. Please install the correct Cosin FTire platform. |
C0090 |
The installed version of Cosin FTire is too old. |
C0091 |
Unable to call the FTire initialization API. Please verify the FTire and RecurDyn versions. |
C0092 |
Road file includes unknown parameters. Please refer to the example for MF-Tire road files in the RecurDyn install directory. |
C0093 |
The requested number of cores is not valid because the available number of cores in this system is %d. |
C0094 |
The distance between two markers must not be zero. |
C0095 |
The number of frequencies (%d) is not valid because it must be between 2 and 9999. |
C0096 |
Unable to load the particle solver dll file. |
C0097 |
Unable to initialize the solver license system. |
C0098 |
Unable to identify the supported version. |
C0099 |
Unable to get a function pointer. |
C0100 |
Unable to initialize particle solver. |
C0101 |
Unable to initialize a rigid wall. |
C0102 |
Unable to perform Pre-analysis. |
C0103 |
Unable to make output files in the particle solver. |
C0104 |
Unable to set the motion of a rigid wall. |
C0105 |
Unable to get the step size. |
C0106 |
Unable to get a rigid wall reaction force. |
C0107 |
Unable to find the particle solver dll file. Please check the particle solver path in configuration.xml. |
C0108 |
Unable to find required data in the particle solver dll. |
C0109 |
MBDforANSYS license cannot be used with Standalone solver. |
C0110 |
The tai file does not match with the number of TSG actuators. |
C0111 |
The TSG actuator ID (%d) is not valid. |
C0112 |
The TSG sensor ID (%d) is not valid. |
C0113 |
Constraint violation occurred because of incompatible redundant constraints. Please try to remove some or all of the redundant constraints or increase the redundant violation tolerance. |
C0115 |
The step size (%f) must be greater than zero. Please check the value of "STEP". |
C0116 |
The maximum stiction deformation will be ignored in the FE (%s) roller (%n) because the friction stick-slip effect is not available in FE roller. |
C0117 |
This entity is not available in C++ solver. |
C0118 |
The end time (%f) must be greater than zero. Please check the value of "END". |
C0119 |
This icf file dose not match the current model. Please check the node IDs of the RFlex virtual joints. |
C0122 |
The contact ID (%d) is not valid in the MMSD. |
C0125 |
Unable to find the KISSsoft bearing solver interface dll file. |
C0126 |
The master nodes of an RBE3 element must not be collinear. |
C0127 |
Unable to get the direction vector. |
C0128 |
Unable to allocate KISSsoft bearing solver. |
C0129 |
Unable to create KISSsoft gear instance. |
C0130 |
Unable to get KISSsoft gear OEM module. |
C0131 |
Unable to calculate the general logic for KISSsoft gear. |
C0132 |
Unable to calculate the callfunc for KISSsoft gear contact. |
C0133 |
Either the base or the action curve must not be a straight line. |
C0135 |
Linear analysis such as Eigenvalue, FRA, and State matrix cannot be used on models that contain Colink entities. |
C0136 |
Linear analysis such as Eigenvalue, FRA, and State matrix cannot be used on models that contain Track, Belt, or Chain entities. |
C0137 |
The total size (%d) of data must not be greater than the array size (%d). |
C0138 |
The %dth value in the fplt file is not valid. |
C0141 |
The action entity and the base entity must be different. |
C0147 |
A length of the file name is too long. Please reduce it to less than %d characters. |
C0148 |
The number of threads (%d) is not valid in FFlex models. |
C0149 |
The index used in the sparse residual must not be zero. |
C0151 |
Failed to calculate the Jacobian. |
C0153 |
The number of arguments (%d) must not be greater than the maximum size (%d). |
C0156 |
Unable to get the curve normal direction. Please use the "User Direction" option. |
C0157 |
Memory allocation failed because too many boundary boxes exist. Please increase the radius of the circle. |
C0158 |
Unable to get the patch normal vector. |
C0159 |
Two nodes in a patch must not be in the same position. |
C0160 |
The number of lines in the patch does not match with the number of lines calculated from the patch points. Please check CAD surface data. |
C0165 |
The contact type (%d) is not valid. |
C0167 |
The surface type of either the base or action surface is not valid. |
C0168 |
The index (%d) of the sub-boundary is not valid. |
C0169 |
The index (%d) of sub-boundary must not be greater than the array size (%d). |
C0170 |
The total number of pairs (%d) must not be greater than the array size (%d). |
C0171 |
The index (%d) of the action patch is not valid. |
C0172 |
The index (%d) of the base patch is not valid. |
C0173 |
The index (%d) of the node's type is not valid. |
C0174 |
Memory allocation failed because too many boundary boxes exist. Please decrease the number of divided cubic cells of the base surface. |
C0175 |
Memory allocation failed because too many boundary boxes exist. Please increase the radius of the action sphere. |
C0176 |
The total number of sub-boundary boxes (%d) must not be greater than the array size (%d). Please increase the value of maximum penetration of contact. |
C0177 |
The total number of contact points (%d) must not be greater than the array size (%d). |
C0178 |
The total number of nodes (%d) of contact output file must not be greater than the array size (%d). |
C0179 |
The radius of arc (%f) must be greater than or equal to the radius of the circle (%f) in the %dth contact. |
C0180 |
The radius of outer-circle (%f) must be greater than or equal to the radius of the inner-circle (%f) in the %dth contact. |
C0181 |
The end-angle of a torus (%f) must be greater than the 0 degree in the %dth MMSD inner/outer contact. |
C0182 |
The major-radius of a torus (%f) minus minor-radius of the torus (%f) must be greater than the radius of cross section circle (%f) in the %dth MMSD inner/outer contact. |
C0183 |
The radius of an arc (%f) must be greater than or equal to the radius of the sphere (%f) in the %dth contact. |
C0184 |
The length of an arc-extrude (%f) must be greater than or equal to the diameter of the sphere (%f) in the %dth contact. |
C0185 |
The angle of an arc-revolution (%f) must be less than 360 degrees. |
C0186 |
The end-angle of an arc-revolution (%f) must be greater than the 0 degree in the %dth contact. |
C0187 |
The radius of an arc (%f) plus the horizontal offset %f must be greater than or equal to the radius of the sphere (%f) in the %dth contact. |
C0188 |
The pitch length (%f) must be greater than the diameter of the arc (%f). |
C0189 |
The horizontal offset (%f) of an arc-revolution surface must be greater than the radius of the arc (%f). |
C0190 |
The radius of an arc (%f) plus the horizontal offset (%f) must be greater than or equal to the radius of the sphere (%f) in the %dth contact. |
C0191 |
The angle of a holder-radius (%f) must be greater than or equal to the radius of the sphere (%f) in the %dth contact. |
C0192 |
The length of a box (%f) must be greater than or equal to the diameter of the sphere (%f) in the %dth contact. |
C0193 |
The radius of a cylinder (%f) must be greater than or equal to the radius of the sphere (%f) in the %dth contact. |
C0194 |
The length of a cylinder (%f) must be greater than or equal to the diameter of the sphere (%f) in the %dth contact. |
C0195 |
The radius of an outer-sphere (%f) must be greater than or equal to the radius of the inner-sphere (%f) in the %dth contact. |
C0196 |
The end-angle of a torus (%f) must be greater than the 0 degree in the %dth contact. |
C0197 |
The minor-radius of a torus (%f) must be greater than or equal to the radius of the sphere (%f) in the %dth contact. |
C0199 |
The joint ID (%d) is not valid. |
C0200 |
The damping type (%d) is not valid. |
C0202 |
The number of gauss points (%d) must be less than 5. |
C0203 |
Unable to calculate the inverse of jacobian. |
C0206 |
The number of user parameters (%d) must not be greater than the maximum size (%d). |
C0209 |
The number of user parameters (%d) must not be greater than the maximum size %d. |
C0212 |
Unable to compute the eigenvector. (MKL/FEAST) |
C0214 |
The number of curve segments must be greater than or equal to 2. |
C0215 |
Unable to factorize the spline matrix. |
C0219 |
The curve matrix data type (%d) is not valid. |
C0220 |
A spline definition requires at least two points. |
C0221 |
The spline type ID (%d) is not valid. |
C0222 |
Each x value in a spline definition must be larger than the previous x value. |
C0223 |
The value (%f) of z is not valid in 3D Spline. |
C0224 |
The order (%d) is not valid because it must be 0, 1, or 2. |
C0225 |
Unable to find the dll file for User Subroutine. |
C0226 |
Unable to find the defined function in the dll file for User Subroutine. |
C0227 |
Nodal_Force_Ext USUB is not available in MTT2D. |
C0228 |
The entity ID (%d) is not valid. Please check the available entities in Belt2D. |
C0230 |
x0 and x1 must have different values. |
C0231 |
The spline ID (%d) is not valid. |
C0232 |
The spline value is not valid. |
C0233 |
The unit quaternion could not be extracted from the rotation matrix. |
C0234 |
The quaternion norm must not be zero. |
C0235 |
Unable to factorize the matrix. |
C0236 |
The total number of expression functions (%d) must be less than the maximum size (%d). |
C0237 |
The base of the exponent must be positive |
C0238 |
The value of x must be positive. |
C0239 |
The value of x must not be a multiple of pi/2. |
C0240 |
The absolute value of x must not be greater than 1. |
C0241 |
The value of y must not be zero. |
C0242 |
The x and y values must not be zero. |
C0243 |
The type (%s) used in the SYSARY function is not available. |
C0244 |
A floating marker cannot be used in this function. |
C0245 |
A floating marker cannot be used in this expression function. |
C0246 |
A floating marker cannot be used in this type used in SYSARY. |
C0247 |
The number of arguments must be 1 or 2. |
C0248 |
The function type (%s) is not valid. |
C0249 |
The expression function (%s) is not available. |
When defining a Motion, Expression functions that can affect generalized coordinates such as DX, AX, and WX cannot be used. |
C0250 |
The total number of AX, AY, AZ expression functions (%d) must be less than the maximum size (%d). |
C0251 |
Unable to read the method in the property file. |
C0252 |
Unable to read the unit (%s) of force in the property file. |
C0253 |
Unable to read the unit (%s) of mass in the property file. |
C0254 |
Unable to read the unit (%s) of length in the property file. |
C0255 |
Unable to read the unit (%s) of angles in the property file. |
C0256 |
Unable to read the unit (%s) of time in the property file. |
C0257 |
The selected markers must belong to a force entity. |
C0259 |
The joint index (%d) is not valid. |
C0260 |
This is a user-defined error message. "ERROR STRING" : %n."ID" = %d."COMMAND" = %n. |
C0261 |
The number of user files (%d) must not be greater than the maximum size (%d). |
C0262 |
The RFlex body index (%d) is not valid. |
C0263 |
Unable to get the node index. |
C0264 |
The node index (%d) is not valid. |
C0265 |
The mode ID (%d) is not valid. |
C0266 |
The FFlex body index (%d) is not valid. |
C0267 |
The FFlex body ID (%d) is not valid. |
C0268 |
The Euler angle type (%d) is not valid. |
C0269 |
The sheet segment index (%d) is not valid. |
C0270 |
The RFlex body name is not valid. |
C0271 |
The node ID (%d) is not valid. |
C0272 |
The file cannot be created. Please check the file name or path. |
C0273 |
The file cannot be deleted because it cannot be accessed. |
C0274 |
This icf file does not match with the current model. |
C0275 |
This icf file does not match with the current model. Please check the above entity. |
C0276 |
The simulation terminated because some value of redundant constraints have exceeded the tolerance. |
C0277 |
The value of a point must not exceed the range of the curve (%n). |
C0278 |
Unable to create the rplt file because the header size is zero. |
C0279 |
The %dth value in the rad file is not valid. |
C0280 |
The request type (%d) is not valid. |
C0282 |
The total number of nodes (%d) must not be greater than the array size (%d). |
C0283 |
There is an element with a zero or negative volume at a quadrature point. |
C0293 |
The node index (%d) is not valid. |
C0294 |
Unable to read the ID and index for the %dth RFlex body. |
C0295 |
Unable to read the body ID and marker ID for the %dth RFlex body. |
C0296 |
Unable to read the node list for the %dth RFlex body. |
C0297 |
Unable to read the body ID and type for the %dth RFlex body. |
C0298 |
In the Modal Load Case, the number of modes must be "number of used modes + 6" for Modal Load type. |
C0299 |
Unable to read the data in the rfi file. |
C0300 |
Unable to read the node data in the rfi file. |
C0301 |
Unable to read the mode shape data in the rfi file. |
C0302 |
Uanble to read the stress shape and strain shape data in the rfi file. Please use RFI Optimizer. |
C0303 |
Unable to read the stress shape data in the rfi file. Please use RFI Optimizer. |
C0304 |
Unable to read the strain shape data in the rfi file. Please use RFI Optimizer. |
C0305 |
Unable to read the data for the %dth RFlex body. |
C0306 |
The file cannot be written to because the file could not be opened. |
C0307 |
Unable to read the body ID and index for the %dth RFlex body. |
C0308 |
The rfi file version is old. Please regenerate the file. |
C0309 |
The entity's data cannot be read. |
C0310 |
Cannot open binary file containing the flexible data. Filename: %n. |
C0312 |
Some (%d) of the selected modes are not independent. |
C0314 |
The file version is old. Please regenerate the file. |
C0315 |
Memory allocation failed. |
C0316 |
Unable to read file because the version of the file is newer than the installed RecurDyn version. Please check the %dth RFlex body. |
C0317 |
Unable to calculate the stiffness matrix. |
C0318 |
The unit type (%d) of mass is not valid. |
C0319 |
The unit type (%d) of length is not valid. |
C0320 |
The unit type (%d) of time is not valid. |
C0321 |
The unit type (%d) of force, mass, length, and time that is used is not valid. |
C0322 |
The natural frequencies are not valid. |
C0323 |
An RFlex marker must have reference node data. |
C0324 |
The total number of nodes (%d) must be less than the array size (%d). |
C0325 |
The total number of sub-boundary boxes (%d) must be less than the array size (%d). |
C0326 |
Unable to calculate Jacobian in the case of using 2.5D option. |
C0327 |
The FFlex body cannot be deactivated during a simulation. |
C0328 |
The RFlex body cannot be deactivated during a simulation. |
C0332 |
The nodal force type (%d) is not valid. |
C0333 |
There is no selected node for the applied nodal force (%n). |
C0334 |
There is an element with zero or negative volume at a nodal point. |
C0336 |
Determinant of the global gradient is zero. |
C0337 |
The activation type (%d) is not valid. |
C0338 |
There is an element with zero or negative volume. |
C0339 |
There is no GPU available. |
C0340 |
The error occurs in SAMADII. |
C0341 |
Unable to find the Particleworks.dll file. Please check the Particleworks program. |
C0342 |
An error has occurred in Particleworks Interface. |
C0343 |
A warning has occurred in Solid Contact |
C0344 |
An error has occurred in Solid contact. |
C0345 |
There are too many patch pairs. Please increase the plane tolerance factor. |
C0346 |
The simulation finished successfully. The end time is %f. |
C0347 |
Unable to calculate spring coefficient "KH1" in a one step spring. |
C0348 |
Unable to calculate spring coefficient "KH2" in a one step spring. |
C0349 |
Unable to calculate spring coefficient "KH1" in a two step spring. |
C0350 |
Unable to calculate spring coefficient "KH2" in a two step spring. |
C0351 |
The simulation terminated because a required condition was below a tolerance. The torque is %f. |
C0352 |
Ko, Co, and clearance must not be zero. |
C0353 |
There are too many intersection points. Please increase the plane tolerance factor. |
C0357 |
| |
C0358 |
WARNING: The Maximum Time Step (%f) is greater than Report Time Step (%f). The Maximum Time Step is set (%f). |
C0359 |
WARNING: The Initial Time Step (%f) is greater than Maximum Time Step (%f). The Initial Time Step is set (%f). |
C0360 |
The joint type is not valid. |
C0361 |
Simulation is stopped by "Stop Simulation when Occurring Redundant Constraint Option". System have a redundant constraint. |
C0362 |
Please Check tire property file format. Does not support the file types of Linux/Unix/Mac format in Windows system. |
C0363 |
A contact pressure is not available because a surface for pressure is not defined. |
C0364 |
The value of a point must not exceed the boundary of the UV Surface (%n). |
C0365 |
The expression ID (%d) is not valid. Please check the available entities in Expression. |
C0366 |
Since static friction coefficient (SFC) must be greater than or equal to dynamic friction coefficient (DFC) solver replaced SFC with DFC. |
C0367 |
The target node is also belonging to Beam and Solid element. \nThe Expression value includes the recovery value for Max Distance of Beam and the recovery value of Solid. %n |
C0368 |
\nThe target node is also belonging to Beam element. \nThe Expression value includes the recovery value for Max Distance of Beam. %n |
C0369 |
\nThe target node is also belonging to Solid element. \nThe Expression value includes recovery value of Solid. %n |
C0370 |
\nThere is no Shell element. Please check the recovery position of expression.\nThe Expression value includes the recovery value for Max Distance of Beam and the recovery value of Solid. %n |
C0371 |
\nThere is no Shell element. Please check the recovery position of expression.\nThe Expression value includes the recovery value for Max Distance of Beam. %n |
C0372 |
\nThere is no Shell element. Please check the recovery position of expression.\nThe Expression value includes the recovery value of Solid. %n |
C0373 |
Unable to find the particle solver dll file.\nPlease check the particle solver path in the environment variable named "SPI_PATH_PRODUCTNAME".\nIf you want to set automatically the DLL path from the configuration.xml file please remove the environment value. |
C0374 |
Some diagonal values of system matrix are zero. This case occurred mass is zero. |
C0375 |
FFlex boundary conditions and FFlex constraint connectors are overlapped. |
C0376 |
Rplt size is not matched. (size_rpt > soobus) |
C0377 |
There are too many contact points. Memory cannot be allocated in track contact analysis. |