The plot result of advanced EHD follows the rule of screw force. However, it includes more information as well as FM, FX, FY, FZ, TM, TX, TY, TZ.

     Hydrodynamic Force: The force magnitude and components resulting from hydrodynamic pressure with respect to EHD reference marker. (FM_Hydro, FX_Hydro, FY_Hydro, FZ_Hydro)

     Asperity Force: The force magnitude and components resulting from asperity contact pressure with respect to EHD reference marker. (FM_Asperity, FX_Asperity, FY_Asperity, FZ_Asperity)

     Volume Flow Rate: Volume flow rate at front and rear end of bearing. Front and rear end are defined by Z direction of base marker. +Z side means the front end and –Z side means the rear end. If this value has positive value, it means the outflow. Conversely, if this value has negative value, it means the inflow.