Durability Interface


After simulation, this function helps you to export the required data to FE durability program for Durability analysis. RAD(or RAN) and RPLT files should be generated to use this function.


Figure 1  Durability icon of the RFlex group in the Flexible tab


Figure 2  Modal Durability Interface dialog box


     Fatigue software: Displays the supported fatigue software. RecurDyn supports only FEMFAT Interface for Fatigue Software.

     Format Version: Select a FEMFAT version. The Scratch File Format is different for each version.


Figure 3  Supporting Format Version list


    FEMFAT 4.8: Until 4.8 version, use this format.

    FEMFAT 5.0: From 4.8 to 5.0 version, use this format.

    FEMFAT 5.3: From 5.0 to 5.3 version, use this format.

    FEMFAT 5.3.2: From 5.3.2 version, use this format.


     RFLEX Body: Selects a Rlex body in the model.

     Load Factor: Defines the Scale factor for modal coordinate.

     View Modal Coordinates: Shows the used mode list.


Figure 4  View Modal Coordinate dialog box


     Create FEMFAT Unit Stress Scratch file: If this option is checked, the user can create Scratch files which contains Unit Stress shape information.

     RPC File Name: Defines the name of a file that contains Modal coordinate history data.

     Scratch File Name: Defines the name of files that contain Unit Stress shape per each used mode. There are two extensions *.fms and *.fss for the Scratch File. The *.fms file is created for Version 5.3 and lower. The *.fss file is created for Version 5.3.2 and higher.

     Max File Name: Defines the name of a file that synchronizes RPC file and Scratch files. If the user inputs this file in FEMFAT, the stress information is listed up automatically as following figure.


Figure 5  FEMFAT using a Max file



If the RFI in which the mid-nodes are removed are used, the user cannot use the Durability Interface for FEMFAT.