Distance Sensor


This sensor allows the user to measure the distance from the center position of sensor to the beam element. The beam element is the nearest to the center position of the sensor in the direction and range of the sensor.


Figure 1  Distance Sensor


Figure 2  Definition of Output Value of Distance Sensor


The distance sensor measures the distance from the center position of sensor to assembly (web) through the following steps.

1.  The sensor finds the closest center point of the beam element from the sensor center position.

2.  A position of the beam element is checked whether the position is in the direction and range of sensor.

3.  If the position is in the sensor, the distance from sensor center to the beam element on sensing direction is computed. As shown in Figure 2, if workpiece pass to the range of the sensor, the sensor output can be computed from the following equation.


: the result of sensor. (Output Value)

: the position of the closest center point of sheet body on the direction and in the range of the sensor.

: the position of sensor center.

: the specified direction of the sensor.

: the minimum distance from sensor center to sheet.