Definition of Interpolation Analysis


Interpolation helps you perform one-dimensional interpolation of the values in a curve to create an evenly spaced sampling of the curve values.



Use the first order Lagrange’s formula. The equations of linear interpolation are defined as,

If 그림1 (img2.gif ),


Here  img4.gif are N points in curve data,  img5.gif is the point at which to interpolate and is defined by interpolation region and the number of interpolated value,  img6.gif is the interpolated value.



Through any two points there is a unique line. Through any three points, a unique quadratic. The interpolating polynomial of degree N-1 through the N points  img7.gif is given explicitly by Lagrange’s classical formula,


There are N terms, each a polynomial of degree N-1 and each constructed to be zero at all of theimg9.gif except one, at which it is constructed to be img10.gif. A using algorithm (for constructing the same, unique, interpolating polynomial) is Neville’s algorithm.


Here img12.gif  are N points in curve data,  img13.gif is the point at which to interpolate and is defined by interpolation region and the number of interpolated value,  img14.gif is the interpolated value.


     2-order Polynomial makes Polynomial function using first 3 points in turn. The equations of 2-order polynomial interpolation are defined as,

If  img15.gif,


If  img17.gif ( img18.gif),



     3-order Polynomial makes Polynomial function using first 4 points in turn. The equations of 3-order polynomial interpolation are defined as,

If img20.gif ,


If  img22.gif ( img23.gif),




The Akima interpolation is similar to the Hermite interpolation. Derivatives at nodes are calculated in the Akima interpolation, but derivatives at nodes are prescribed in the Hermite interpolation.



Let img25.gif be an interpolation function at x ( img26.gif)

img27.gif where,



     Initial and End points condition

The calculations of img29.gif and img30.gif using Eq.( ) are impossible since img31.gif and img32.gif are needed to calculate img33.gif, img34.gif is needed to calculate img35.gif, img36.gif and img37.gif is needed to calculate img38.gif and img39.gif and img40.gif are needed to calculate img41.gif.

Let an interpolation function f(x) be expressed as


for points img43.gif, img44.gif and

img45.gifor img46.gif

By solving the above equation a, b, and c can be obtained. Derivation of Eq.( ) with respect to x gives img47.gif and img48.gif as



CSpline(Cubic Spline)

The cubic spline interpolation is to get an interpolation formula that is smooth in the first derivative, and continuous in the second derivative, both within an interval and at its boundaries. Given a tabulated functionimg50.gif, focus attention on particular interval, between  img51.gif and img52.gif .  The cubic spline interpolation in that interval gives the interpolation formula




The key idea of a cubic spline is to require the continuity between two intervals and to use it to get equations for the second derivativesimg55.gif. For img56.gif the following equations are obtained  


These are N-2 linear equations in the N unknowns img58.gif . For a unique solution, two further conditions are needed. For computing  img59.gif and img60.gif, initial and end conditions are used. The equation for points img61.gif and img63.gif are expressed as


img65.gifor img66.gif

By solving the above equation a, b, and c can be obtained.


As same, img68.gif is obtained by end condition.