Definition of Filter Analysis


You can filter curve data to remove or emphasize the specific region of time signal. Two methods are supplied for filtering. One is a transfer function. The other is a Butterworth filer.


Transfer function

Directly specifies the coefficients of transfer function.


Butterworth filter

Computes the coefficients of a transfer function by Butterworth filter algorithm. The Butterworth approximation and bilinear transform are used to obtain transfer function of filter.


Digital Filter

The filter of RecurDyn/Plot is a digital filer. The most general filter takes a sequence img20.gif of input points and produces a sequence img21.gif of output points by the formula


Here the M+1 coefficients img23.gif and the N coefficients img25.gif are fixed and define the filter response. The filter produces each new output value from the current and M previous input values, and from its own N previous output values. If N=0, so that there is no second sum, then the filter is called nonrecursive or finite impulse response (FIR). If , then it is called recursive or infinite impulse response (IIR).

The relation between the img24.gif ’s and img26.gif ’s and the filter response function img27.gif is


where img29.gif is, as usual, the sampling interval.

Taking Z transform, Transfer function img1.gif  is


Here M equals to nb and N-1 equal to na.

The input-output description of this filtering operation in the Z-transform domain is a rational transfer function,



Design the digital filter

     Butterworth approximation

    Analog Lowpass Butterworth Filter Design

The magnitude-square response of an N-th order analog lowpass Butterworth filter is given by


where img6.gif is called the cutoff frequency. The first 2N-1 derivatives of img7.gif at img8.gifare equal to zero. The Butterworth lowpass filter thus is said to have a maximally-flat magnitude at img9.gif.


    Design of Analog Highpass , Bandpass and Bandstop Filter

RecurDyn/Plot performs the step of the next design process to obtain Highpass , Bandpass and Bandstop Filter.

Step 1 - Develop of specifications of a prototype analog lowpass filter img10.gif  from specifications of desired analog filter img11.gif  using a frequency transformation

Step 2 - Design the prototype analog lowpass filter

Step 3 - Determine the transfer function  img12.gif of desired analog filter by applying the inverse frequency transformation to img13.gif.


    Analog Highpass Butterworth Filter Design

Spectral Transformation of highpass filter is defined as,


where, img15.gif is the passband edge frequency of img16.gif and img17.gif  is the passband edge frequency of img18.gif.


    Analog Bandpass Butterworth Design Filter  

Spectral Transformation of bandpass filter is defined as,


where, img20.gif  is the passbandedge frequency of img21.gif ,img22.gif and img23.gif are the lower and upper passband edge frequencies of desired bandpass filter img24.gif.


    Analog Bandstop Butterworth Design Filter

Spectral Transformation of bandstop filter is defined as,


where img26.gif is the stopband edge frequency of img27.gif, and img28.gif and img29.gif are the lower and upper stopbandedge frequencies of the desired bandstop filter img30.gif.


    Bilnear Transformation

Bilnear transformation makes digital filter from analog Butterworth filer. The bilinear transformation maps the s domain into the z domain by


where, img32.gif is the sampling frequency in Herz.