Cylinder Contact Type of Liner Connector


Figure 1  Liner Connector property page [Cylinder In Cylinder Contact]


     Output Reference Frame: The user can choose another desired Reference Marker.

     Contact Output File: If it is checked, the user can get specific output information file such as:






Simulation Time


amount of contact point

Total number of calculated contact points


Pos_TX of Base Body CM

Position X of Center Marker for Base Body from Global


Pos_TY of Base Body CM

Position Y of Center Marker for Base Body from Global


Pos_TZ of Base Body CM

Position Z of Center Marker for Base Body from Global


Pos_PSI of Base Body CM

Position of Center Marker for Base Body in 3-1-3 Euler angle from Global


Pos_THETA of Base Body CM

Position of Center Marker for Base Body in 3-1-3 Euler angle from Global


Pos_PHI of Base Body CM

Position of Center Marker for Base Body in 3-1-3 Euler angle from Global


Pos_TX of Action Body CM

Position X of Center Marker for Action Body from Global


Pos_TY of Action Body CM

Position Y of Center Marker for Action Body from Global


Pos_TZ of Action Body CM

Position Z of Center Marker for Action Body from Global


Pos_PSI of Action Body CM

Position z-axis of Center Marker for Action Body in 3-1-3 Euler angle from Global


Pos_THETA of Action Body CM

Position x-axis angle of Center Marker for Action Body in 3-1-3 Euler angle from Global


Pos_PHI of Action Body CM

Position z-axis of Center Marker for Action Body in 3-1-3 Euler angle from Global


Global contact position

Position of Contact Points from Global


Contact position based on Base Body

Position of Contact Points from Base Body


Contact position based on Action Body

Position of Contact Points from Action Body


Contact force based on Action Body

Contact Force from Action Body


Friction force based on Action Body

Friction Force from Action Body


The user can see the output file in your working folder where your model is in. The output file name is ‘Filename_ContactElementName.out’.


     Radial Clearance: Defines as a gap between the cylinder and piston.


Figure 2  Definition of Clearance


Figure 3  Contact Characteristic dialog box [Cylinder In Cylinder Contact]


     Please refer to Type of Friction in below.


    Standard Friction

①  Select Friction Coefficient in the combo box.  

②  Click More and then values to define Coulomb Friction. For more information, refer to click here.


Figure 4  Friction Definition dialog box


    Empirical Formula (Refer to Constraint Bearing)

①  Select Empirical formula in the combo box.

②  Click More and enter the values to define Empirical Formula Friction. For more information, click here.


Figure 5  Empirical Formula Friction dialog box