Convert Design Parameter


The user can change the Design Parameter by using the convertDP.exe file.


Help of ConvertDP

ConvertDP.exe [/help] [logpath path] [/clean] [/convert ...]


     /help or /?

    format: /help

    print help message.


     /logpath path: If this option is not active, this use default logfile ".\ConvertDP.log.txt".

    format: /logpath full_path

    set the logfile as the file of fill_path.



    format: /clean

    clean the existing log-file


     /convert ...

    format: /convert file [variable=value] [variable=value] ...

file: model file name

variable: variable to be changed

value: new value of variable

change the VARIABLE to the VALUE



ConvertDP.exe /clean /convert model1.rdp PV1=100

ConvertDP.exe /convert model1.rdp PV1=100 PP1=100,PV1@SubSystem1,200

ConvertDP.exe /clean /convert model1.rdp PV1=100 /convert model2.rdp PV1=100 PV2=200


PV Example

convertdp.exe /convert model1.rdp PV1=200

convertdp.exe /convert model1.rdp PV1@Subsystem1=200

convertdp.exe /convert model1.rdp PV1@Subsystem1@Subsystem1=200


convertdp.exe /convert model1.rdp Body1.PV1=200

convertdp.exe /convert model1.rdp Body1.PV1@Subsystem1=200

convertdp.exe /convert model1.rdp Body1.PV1@Subsystem1@Subsystem1=200

convertdp.exe /convert model1.rdp Body1.PV1@Subsystem1=Body1.PV2@Subsystem1


convertdp.exe /convert model1.rdp PV1=PV2

convertdp.exe /convert model1.rdp PV1=PV2@Subsystem1

convertdp.exe /convert model1.rdp PV1@Subsystem1=PV2@Subsystem1


PP Example

convertdp.exe /convert model1.rdp PP1=100,200,300

convertdp.exe /convert model1.rdp PP1=PV1,PV2,PV3

convertdp.exe /convert model1.rdp PP1=PV1@Subsystem1,PV2@Subsystem1,PV3@Subsystem1

convertdp.exe /convert model1.rdp PP1=Body1.PV1@Subsystem1,Body1.PV2@Subsystem1,Body1.PV3@Subsystem1


convertdp.exe /convert model1.rdp PP1@Subsystem1=100,200,300

convertdp.exe /convert model1.rdp PP1@Subsystem1=PV1@Subsystem1,PV2@Subsystem1,PV3@Subsystem1

convertdp.exe /convert model1.rdp PP1@Subsystem1=Body1.PV1@Subsystem1,Body1.PV2@Subsystem1,Body1.PV3@Subsystem1


convertdp.exe /convert model1.rdp Body1.PP1=PV1,PV2,PV3

convertdp.exe /convert model1.rdp Body1.PP1=PV1@Subsystem1,PV2@Subsystem1,PV3@Subsystem1

convertdp.exe /convert model1.rdp Body1.PP1=Body1.PV1@Subsystem1,Body1.PV2@Subsystem1,Body1.PV3@Subsystem1

convertdp.exe /convert model1.rdp PP1@Subsystem1@Subsystem1=PV1@Subsystem1@Subsystem1,PV2@Subsystem1@Subsystem1,PV3@Subsystem1@Subsystem1



Each assignment operation ('variable=value') must not be separated by white space, and each other assignment operations must be separated by white space, because each string separated by white will be recognized as each assignment operation respectively.

Following is the right and wrong example, when the user want to assign the variable `PP1' to the value `100,PV1@SubSystem1,200' on the file `model1.rdp'.


     RIGHT: ConvertDP.exe /convert model1.rdp PP1=100,PV1@SubSystem1,200

     WRONG: ConvertDP.exe /convert model1.rdp PP1 =100,PV1@SubSystem1,200

     WRONG: ConvertDP.exe /convert model1.rdp PP1= 100,PV1@SubSystem1,200

     WRONG: ConvertDP.exe /convert model1.rdp PP1=100, PV1@SubSystem1,200

     WRONG: ConvertDP.exe /convert model1.rdp PP1=100,PV1@SubSystem1 ,200

     WRONG: ConvertDP.exe /convert model1.rdp PP1=100,PV1 @SubSystem1,200



It is also impossible to use value from upper hierarchy subsystem.


     WRONG: ConvertDP.exe /convert model1.rdp PV1@Subsystem1=PV2

     WRONG: ConvertDP.exe /convert model1.rdp PP1@Subsystem1=PV1,PV2,PV3