Contour Setting


The user can modify the EHD contour information.


Figure 1  Contour dialog box


     Contour Type: Choose 3D Surface or Projection.


Figure 2  3D Surface Type


Figure 3  Projection Type


     Calculate Min/Max: The values (Pressure acting on EHD Rotational Lubrication) are calculated for the system the user built.

     Minimum Value: Defines the minimum value.

     Maximum Value: Defines the maximum value.

     Scale: Control the size of 3D surface volume of contour.

     Cut Off Pressure: Define minimum pressure value under which pressure contour doesn't show up. This function is only activated in Projection of contour type.

     Show Contour Legend: Allows the user to confirm the relationship between Min/Max Value and Color.

     Color Option: Changes the color of Min/Max value.


Figure 4  Contour Legend dialog box