Contour in MTT3D


The contour display is available in the sheet shell. To see a strain or stress contour of sheet group, the user must change the sheet type into the sheet shell. The contour:

     Displays displacements, strains and stresses

     Includes a color legend indicated the numeric range of the colors


To know the strain or stress of a specific node through Scope or Plot, the user must define the node as an output node.



Three animation files are generated after the dynamic analysis. The post-processing about a sheet shell is based upon these files. To animate the analysis result later, these files should remain in the same working folder as the model and output files. The names of animation files are composed with the names of models and each sheet shell combined with the following file extensions:


     *.rfa: displacement animation data.

     *.erd: strain recovery data.

     *.srd: stress recovery data.


For more information, refer to Post process in FFlex.