Contact between double wheel and track links


Each road wheel of the vehicle model offered in RecurDyn/Track_HM consists of two wheels that are rigidly connected. There are four different possibilities for the double wheel and track contact.

     The track link - one wheel of the double wheel

    In this case, a concentrated contact force is used at the center of the contact surface of the wheel. The contact force acting on the link is assumed to be equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the force acting on the double wheel.

     The track link - both wheels of the roller

    In this case, two concentrated contact forces are applied to the double wheel and the track link.

     The edges of track link - either one wheel or both wheels

    In such a case, one or two concentrated contact forces are applied to the wheel and the edge of the track link


(a) Inner surface contact          (b) Edge contact

Figure 1  Track link and wheel contacts