CMS Analysis (Mechanical APDL)


This section explains how to build FE model and analyze it with CMS method.

The example model is 2D rectangular model. The model can be meshed as shell 63 element with Element edge length option. Shell 63 elements have Real Constant with thickness, 0.05. Steel material is used in this model.



Figure 1  Target model


1.  Select Mechanical APDL Product Launcher on the popup menu and specify working directory and job name.


Figure 2  ANSYS launcher


2.  Select Structural on the Preferences for GUI filtering


     Preferences for GUI filtering

    Preferences > Structural


Figure 3  Preference for GUI filtering


3.  Select Element Type, Real Constants


     Element type

    Preprocessor > Element Type > Add/Edit/Delete > Add… > Shell 63 > OK > Close


Figure 4   Set Element Type


     Enter Real Constants

    Preprocessor > Real Constants > Add/Edit/Delete > Add > OK

    Set shell thicknesses I, J, K, L as 0.05


Figure 5   Real constant for shell element


3-1. Set Thickness


    Thickness is important parameter for shell element. Ansys do not support Real Constant for some shell element.
At the time, thickness can be define using shell section.

Figure 6   Create Sections for Shell Element


4.  Enter Material property


     Material property

    Preprocessor > Material Props > Material Models > Structural > Linear > Elastic > Isotropic > Specify material number as 1 > OK

    Fill in the Young’s modulus(70e9N/m2), Possion ratio(0.33), density(2710kg/m3) > OK


Figure 7  Material Property


5.  Create rectangular geometric entity


     Create Rectangle by Dimensions

    Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > Areas > Rectangle > By Dimensions > OK

    Fill the x1, x2, y1, & y2 as 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, & 1.0 > OK

Figure 8  Rectangle by Dimensions


6.  Create area meshing using Mesh Tools


     Use line set to define element edge length.

    Preprocessor > Meshing > MeshTool > Size Controls > Lines > Pick All > OK > SIZE element edge length(0.1) > OK


Figure 9  Line set with Element edge length


     Mesh model

    Mesh Tool > Mesh > Select model > OK


Figure 10  Meshed Rectangular geometric entity

Figure 11  Mesh Result


7.  Define Interface nodes

     Select> Component Manager

     Create Component

    Create from 'Nodes'

    Check 'Pick entities'

    Name new component 'INTERFACE'


     Select interface nodes on FE model


Figure 12  Create new component


Figure 13  Select Interface nodes


8.  Define Parameter


     Parameters> Scalar Parameters

     Input the number of modes like 'NMODES=10'

     Accept it


Figure 14  Set the number of modes   


9.  Read RecurDyn's input file for CMS analysis


     File> Read Input from

     Read 'RecurDyn_AnsysCMS.MAC'

    This macro input file is included in the following folder.

'<Install Dir>\Toolkits\Flexible input files\ANSYS'



Figure 15  Created files


10.      Check the result files.

11.      The four files must exist in work folder.






     The user can perform the CMS(Component Mode Synthesis) analysis in ANSYS. CMS allows the user to derive the normal modes and static correction modes at once from ANSYS. It is difficult to perform CMS analysis by the provided steps of ANSYS. So, it is strongly recommended that the user performs CMS analysis with the provided macro file (RecurDyn_AnsysCMS.MAC). This macro file is included in “<Install Dir>\Toolkits\Flexible input files\ANSYS\ RecurDyn_AnsysCMS.MAC”.

     If ANSYS does not generate the element matrices file automatically, use the EMATWRITE command. If the user uses the macro file, this command is not needed.

     If ANSYS does not generate the file included in material information automatically, the user should type the MPWRITE command in the solution menu. If the user uses the macro file, this command is not needed.



The sample model is supported in <Install Dir>/Toolkits/Flexible input files/ANSYS directory.