Boundary Condition


This page can specify boundary conditions for the beam assembly.


Figure 1  Beam Assembly property page [Boundary Condition]


     No: Shows the Index of sheet bodies.

     Check button: If this button is checked, a specified BC is activated in the sheet body. Or not, the specified BC is deactivated.

     Name: Defines the name of sheet bodies belongs to the Sheet Group.

     BC: Determines the fixed D.O.F of each sheet body. (link to below apply the following BC)

Figure 2  Boundary Condition dialog box


    Translation & Rotational D.O.F: Degree of Freedom type.

    X, Y, Z: The components of translational and rotational D.O.F. The components are determined in the sheet body reference frame.


     Selection by Simple Rule: Accesses the Selection dialog box that supports a simple rule to select many sheet bodies at the same time. The sheet bodies can be selected by following simple rule.



    Initialize before Update: If this button is checked and click the Update, only the check boxes of sheet bodies selected by user-defined rule are activated. Or not, the check boxes of pre-selected sheet bodies and sheet bodies selected by user-defined rule are activated.

    Start Index: Shows the starting index in the simple rule.

    Increment in Index: Shows the increment of index in the simple rule.

    Number of Selection: Shows the number of selected sheet bodies in the simple rule.

    Apply the following Boundary Condition: Determines the fixed D.O.F of all selected sheet bodies.

Translation & Rotational D.O.F: Degree of Freedom type.

x, y, z: The components of translational and rotational D.O.F. The components are determined in the sheet body reference frame.


    Check button: If this is checked, the specified component is fixed to the ground.

    Update: Updates the list with the selected sheet bodies.

    Close: Does not update the list.


     All/Nothing: The check boxes of all sheet bodies in the list are activated or deactivated.

     Add + Navigation: If the user selects the "Add" option and clicks the navigation button, the user can select nodes from the screen and a boundary condition is applied on the nodes.

     Remove + Navigation: If the user selects the "Remove" option and clicks the navigation button, the user can select nodes from the screen and a boundary condition is not applied on the nodes.

     Add or Remove + Navigation: If the user selects the "Add or Remove" option and clicks the navigation button, the user can select nodes from the screen and a boundary condition is applied or not on the nodes.