The BISTOP function returns the contact force of a model in a gap defined by the relative location and velocity of two markers.




Arguments definition


The relative distance between the two markers on the contacting entities


The relative velocity between the two markers on the contacting entities

Free length1()

The contact distance between the two markers on the contacting entities

     This value must be a real number or a function that returns a real number.

     The free length(x1) is used to determine whether or not contact is made.

Free length2()

The contact distance between the two markers on the contacting entities

     This value must be a real number or a function that returns a real number.

     Free length(x2) is used to determine whether or not contact is made.


The modulus rigidity on the spring force

Stiffness exponent()

The nonlinear coefficient value on the surface of the spring force


The maximum damping coefficient

This must be a real number or a function that returns a real number


The depth of infiltration that induces the maximum damping coefficient






Figure 1  Example modeling for the BISTOP function



     x = DX: Distance variable

     img40.gif = VX: Time derivative of x

     x1 = 150: Lower bound of x

     x2 = 600: Upper bound of x

     k = 10000: Stiffness

     exp = 1.3: Exponent of force

     cmax = 100: Maximum damping coefficient

     d = 2: Boundary penetration


Figure 2  Scope result using the BISTOP function