Beam Assembly Self Contact


Assembly Self Contact” support the self (itself) contact of assembly. This can support the analysis of winding assembley (web) system. The shape of winder (winding roller) is determined by the shape of general roller or circle roller.


Figure 1  Beam Assembly property page


If the “Self Contact” option is activated, the contact parameter for self (itself) contact of assembly can be modified.

Figure 2  Contact Parameter dialog box


The contact force is calculated according to the same equation with the Circle Roller. For more information, click here.


     Maximum Penetration: this option is the setting for max value of acceptable penetration of itself contact. If this option is activated, the value of “Maximum Penetration” can be modified.


The red node is a base node for self (itself) contact. The red line is a base line for self (itself) contact. The blue node is an action node for self (itself) contact. The plus direction of y-axis is upper direction. The contact reference can be defined from the contact (red) line of base segment body.


Figure 3  Self Contact dialog box


     Winder: winding Roller, this winder can be used as unwinding roller.

     UnWinder: unwinding Roller, this unwinder can be used as winding roller.


    Roller: Select the roller to use as the winder/unwinder.

    Connected Node: The node is connected with this roller (winder/unwinder). If the node is start (first) node of assembly (web), select “Start” button. This information used to check the Self contact direction and used to optimize the contact search logic for the winding rollers without difficult setting the contact direction.

    Search Boundary Factor: This factor defines the range to use as the self-contact boundary. This factor is ratio for Roller radius. If this factor defines as “2.0”, the contact boundary is 2 times range of roller radius. This information used to optimize the contact search logic for the workpiece Self Contact.



There can be self (itself) contact just only in the contact search boundary.

The direction among the assembly (web) segments has to be same with the rotational direction of Roller (winder/unwinder) as following figure.