An example of calculation procedure of Cylinder Layout Parameters


1.  Variables Definition


Table 1  Variable definition


2.  Input Data

     Engine Type: V-Type

     Rotation Type: CW

     Cycle Type: 4 stroke

     Total Number of Cylinder: 6

     V-Angle: 60 degree

     Phase shift angle: -60 degree


Figure 1  Simplified model of Crank system


3.  Calculation Algorithm

     IA[ i ] :(1-2*MOD(CN[ i ],2))*dVAngle/2.0

     EIA[ i ] : (FSN[ i ]-1)*dTCA/iTCN

     CPA[ i ] : MOD((IA[ i ]-EIA[ i ]*dRF),dTCA) : for only V-type odd number cylinder

     CPA[ i ] : MOD((IA[ i-1 ]-EIA[ i-1 ]*dRF)+dPSA),dTCA) : for only V-type even number cylinder

     * CPA[ i ] : MOD((IA[ i ]-EIA[ i ]*dRF),dTCA) : for non V-type engine / for all cylinder

     RCPA[ i ] : MOD(CPA[ i ]-CPA[1], dTCA) : except for the case of “ i=1 “, RCPA[ 1] =0.0

     FI[ j ] : MOD((IA[ j ]-IA[ j-1 ])-(RCPA[ j ]-RCPA[ j-1 ])).360.0) : except for the case of “j=1” , FI[ 1 ]=0.0

     FA[ j ] : FI[ j ] + FA[ j-1 ] : except for the case of “j=1”, FA[ 1 ]=0.0


Figure 2  Calculation procedure 


If all data is confirmed, special parametric markers and special parametric values are automatically created according to the global data. Each parametric marker represents the global position of each part and control the origin and direction of each part.

The parametric marker is parameterized by parents-child relationship. For example, SPM_AssebmlyBase is the parent parametric marker of SPM_CylBase_i. So, if SPM_AssemblyBase is moved, SPM_CylBase_i is moved together because the parent marker is moved. In same way, SPM_ShaftPin_i is also moved.
It can be checked at SPM menu and SPV menu in Parameter group in the Crank tab.


Figure 3  Parameterization of Special Parametric Marker (in case of Straight 4 Cylinder Type)


    SPM_Base: Represents the whole base of crank-system. It cannot be modified.

    SPM_AssemblyBase: Represents the whole control marker of crank-system. If it is moved, the whole crank system is moved.

    SPM_EngineMount: Represents the position of Engine Mount.

    SPM_ShaftMain_i: Represents the position of crankshaft main body.

    SPM_CylBase_i: Represents the position of each cylinder. It is affected by the included angle of cylinder and the axial cylinder distance.

    SPM_ShaftPin_i: Represents the position of crankshaft pin body. It is affected by the included angle, the crank phase angle and, the axial cylinder distance.

    SPM_PistonPin_i: Represents the position of crankshaft main body.

    SPM_Piston_i: Represents the position of piston pin.

    SPM_BalancingShaft_i: Represents the position of balancing shaft.

    SPM_TorisonalDamper: Represents the position of Torsional damper.

    SPM_FlyWheel: Represents the position of fly wheel.

    SPM_EquivalentDriveTrain: Represents the position of EDT.


Position information of SPM


Figure 4  The position information of SPM


Figure 5  Special Parametric Marker dialog box


Figure 6  Special Parametric Value dialog box